

     An answer to your last message :

     ........ Yes, I know the difference. These beautiful birds live in my neighborhood and are in my garden daily (what lucky !)...  This handsome guy walks up to me and brushes his feathers against me as he walks by. (Probably, it's not an affective sign...  in affective situation, I believe he would have not his tail unfolded.... However, the birds are capable to create bonds with an humain....   therefore, I don't know too... but more near his ordinary psychology, he smoothly tries to keep you outside of his territory... according to his measurement system... It is true they have not a good GPS :o)).   But, I am still always cautious of his, and of all the other's, in the bevy, body language and sounds and keep my distance when need be. (When a big bird attacks you, he tries to attain your eyes... because, like for human, the eyes are significant for him.... He can read in your eyes its own risk of death (for his mental at him)... When they fan out for attracting mates, is very different from when they fan out to appear bigger and warn you to back off.  (This is that... If he comes toward you with his spread tail, it is to warns you that you are on his territory... and then, he can push you, or shake his tail to make you fear and make you leave...  you are supposed to have fear of "eyes" which are on his tail (ocellus)... according to the meaning of eyes I've already quoted... In other terms, he "threatens you of death"... he projects on you what he feels himself....   (In fact, the tail of peacocks has others imbricated functions more fundamental)...  Actually, most of the time spent by the female is watching his backside and soft fluffy feathers as he shakes, once he has gotten her attention facing her. They are most aggressive during mating season   (Normal... all the behaviors are organized for the survival of each couple and his chicks, and finally for their species...  The mecanisms of the evolution makes that this is the species solely which counts, and not the individuals, though its safeguard leans on them). This particular male takes over my driveway the entire mating season and calls for the gals to come to him here  (He recruit, because It is the war against your car !!!  :o))).   He is always an issue as I try to drive in and out of my garage and driveway. He doesn't move any more than necessary to allow my car to slowly go past. He often allows it to rub against his tails feathers as I ease out. I did have one very aggressive male who would attack for no reason at all  (There do not need a raison to make its job !!!...)... He was a real problem in the neighborhood and he tried to get the other males to also be aggressive, but it failed, and the aggressive one was killed.... not sure what killed him. The females are much more cautious than the males and they also can be aggressive. (It's normal the female be more cautious because of the chicks.... equally she is less coloured and have less tail, for more discretion and protection... In the birds, in case of predator, it is the male, very colored,  which has to serve of prey, first).  

         Thank you for your concern. 

         The same thanks for you...  Very little people are capable of a true communication... because of lack of time, or more often by lack of mental opening....  I know you solely since three days, and I think i've discover a rarity...  I'm very happy !!!...

         I had many difficulties to write this text in this media.....  I could not master the colors, as I wanted....
         I've used this blog because, being faced with you, I can say many things that I cannot reveal publically...... (They are personal ideas belonging to an theoristic context in process of writing...  it is not still ready).

    Do you want we use our personal mailbox ?
    My address :   jpiedou@free.fr

    Jean-Pierre Douence.


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